• info@michaeldatofoundation.org
  • +234 703 833 3497




With the downturn in the economy and increasing rate of poverty in Nigeria, many families are not able to take care of their medical expenditures as at when needed. In the past few years of our existence as a Foundation, we have had to pay several hospital bills of women and children from poor homes. Our medical intervention programmes have however been hindered due to lack of funds. This is why we present the following cases that need the urgent intervention of your organization.


In August 2020, the medical case of baby Daniel was brought to our attention. Daniel, then 3 years and 6 months old but he could not sit, talk, or even move any part of his body. The doctor said he has cerebral palsy – a congenital disorder of movement, muscle bone or posture, caused by abnormal brain development, often before birth. The doctor recommended that baby Daniel will go through two physiotherapy sessions per week at the cost of N2,000 per session for one year. His parents were poor and could not afford the medical bill. The Foundation reached out to some of her benefactors and mobilized funds to commence the treatment which lasted for the first three months. His situation improved a little though the treatment could not continue because of funds constraints. Daniel is above six years now and in dare need of medical intervention.

Baby Daniel


The case of Mrs. Jumai Israel Musa from Bwari Area Council of the FCT, Abuja is so pathetic. She has spent the last 10 years in severe pain as she has been suffering from an advance bladder infection. Her bladder can no longer hold urine resulting to her frequent urination with painful groaning.

She is married to her husband Mr. Israel who has supported her for the past 10 years in this situation as she is not able to lie down, stand nor even sit. She can only kneel or crawl within the house. Life has become very frustrating for her especially the inability of the family to take care of the financial requirement for her treatment. Mrs. Israel has undergone several medical tests in hospitals. According to medical reports, her case can be treated but will require surgery.

The family cannot afford the high cost of this surgery hence the call for help. The Michael Dato Relief Foundation is therefore seeking the help of well meaning Nigerians to assist in any or both of the above cases as part of your humanitarian services.

MDRF President making a donation to Mrs Jumai to assist her

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